Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It is where one computer can control another.


A technology that was designed by Microsoft that is used to be able to run programs on Windows.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Joseph's Presentation

I liked Joseph's presentation because, his presentation was unique. It presented his personality, like in one slide it showed a person laying down... That simply shows he's pretty lazy. And also it shared a little bit of background information. His family is in to the Medical Field. He says he's interested into that too. Also all of his colors matched nicely, like red, white, and blue together. It was the best I have seen so far, in my opinion.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Compatibility Mode

It is a mechanism in a software that allows old software computers to work with newer softwares.

Comparison Operators

It is symbols like the equal sign (=) or greater than(>) to say whether something is true or false.


A comment is the user's opinion on something.

Column Chart

It is data represented in a vertical bar graph.

Clustered Column Chart

It is a certain chart that is used to represent and compare data.

Close Button

A close button is a button usually with an "X" that you press to close an application.


A clipboard is a short-term storage document page that can be used for taking notes on a computer.

Clip Art

It is images that are already installed in Microsort Office Applications.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

Circular Reference

It is a way in which the graph is in a circular shape, and the last item has a relationship with the first item.


It is an area in which it is the middle of a larger region, or surface.

Cell Address

It is a spreadsheet, such as, Microsoft Excel, that indicates the cell is in the spreadsheet.


It is the intersection point of a row and column.

Cash Flow Analysis

It is the study of the cash coming in and out of a business.

Bulleted List

It is a list with items that start with a certain type of graphical symbol, or other symbols other than numbers.

Bullet Point

It is an item on a bullet list.


It is a graphical symbol indicating a new topic, or continuation.


It is like a boundary or outer part indicating the outer edge of something.


It is a list of books, or sites, and resources in which shows where you got your information from in a research project.

Bar Chart

It is a chart with bars, representing a set of data.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Backward Compatible

Backward Compatibility is when a computer system is able to function with older programs even though it is updated.


AutoRecover is when your Microsoft program automatically saves your file into the computer.


AutoForm is when the Microsoft Software automatically formats your picture inserted to the right size, and rotation.


AutoFit is when a program like Microsoft Word automatically makes the words fit into a row or column or table, according to the words you enter.


Autocomplete is when a program, or application fills -in a certain task automatically for you.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

In WordArt, you can make words 3D, with color, slanted, and the certain lightening you want the shadow to be. Just like the image above you can put it any way you really want. Mine is my full name, slanted, bold,3D style-15, and lightening from a 135 degree angle. It very cool ! :-)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Lab2 Common Skills

#1. When I pressed Alt+Tab, a small window showing all the programs I had open opened up so I can switch from program, to program.
#2. To select all, you press Ctrl+A. To copy all, you press Ctrl+C. To paste, you press Ctrl+V, as many times as you want to paste the set of words. To change the font you need to press Ctrl+A to select all, then you press the font you want to change it to, as well as with the color and size. To change your set of words line spacing you have to first press Ctrl+A to select all, then press the line spacing icon and put it to the line spacing you desire.
#3. The things Microsoft Powerpoint and Microsoft Word have in common is that they both have almost the same settings. You can use the same shortcuts and icons to change your set of data.

Friday, October 22, 2010


A strong bond with a person or program.


It is a special kind of variable, to refer to one of the pieces of data.

Application software

A set of computer programs that work together to fix a certain problem on a computer.


It is a rapid display of images of either 2D, or 3D, or both together.


It is an object, usually made of metals, that is used to stop a ship.

American Psychological Association (APA)

It is the largest group of psychologists, scientists, and educators.


It is a word,picture, or object, that is adjusted with the viewers eyes convenience. It can also be put in a straight line.

ActiveX controls

They are small programs in which also are a set of rules as to how applications should share the information, it can also be automatically downloaded into a computer.

Active Cell

The space in the spreadsheet in which your information will be placed.

Absolute cell reference

It is a formula that even when copied it NEVER changes. It usually contains a money sign($) in front of every space.

3-D Pie Chart

It is a chart that is in 3 dimensions.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


a unit of measurement of information.


the main picture on the desktop.

Applications Software

a set of instructions that lets the computer function a specific task

Application File Icons

It is a small picture on a file/folder indicating what that folder contains.


a standard code used to store characters into a computer and also transmitted between computers.

Monday, October 4, 2010

How this website helps me ...

This website helps me because it is easier to get on snapgrades, and explains how to pass Mrs.Ramirez class also . It shows the grading policy, what this class is about, the different subjects included into it, and shows the Lab contract in case the students forget. This information can be very useful if a student forgets any information. You can also check your grades while your on this website. Now that's cool !

Friday, October 1, 2010


It is a set of rules that indicates you how to solve a problem.

Address Bar

It is a bar in the web browser that tells you what page you are displaying .

Active Window

It is the program or internet explorer that is currently open .